Sunday, November 04, 2007

Amazing Race 12 update - More of the same

Did you know the new Amazing Race started tonight? Yeah, I didn't know until about a week ago and advertising on CBS has been sparse. But here it is and on the first leg teams started out from sunny Los Angeles and headed to soggy Shannon, Ireland. Tempers flare as teams head to some old church (Inishmore?) to sign up for staggered ferries the following morning.

What can I say about the teams at this point? Of the eleven teams, I think seven of them are from California once again proving that this is the most critical factor for getting onto TAR. There's the eye candy, the family teams, a pair of Goths, the bickering young couples, and the requisite gay team; this one a lesbian couple who also happen to be ordained ministers. Still, as usual, the Race is a beautiful travelogue showcasing corners of the world little seen by most, so it makes up for the typical and stereotypical casting.

At a farm, teams need to take tandem bikes over a muddy road and the next clue. This is the Roadblock and one team member must take a high-wire bicycle over an ocean cove while his/her partner hangs below. This task looks pretty hairy, especially if you're afraid of heights. After this, teams must fill a donkey cart with blocks of peat and walk back to the farm. One donkey knocks over a temporary fence and the baffled urbanites don't have the slightest idea how to make them move. Have they never heard of the adjective "mulish"? One guy actually says: "we have the most stubborn donkey in the world." Crying does not seem to influence the beasts of burden.

After delivering the peat, teams must head to the Pit Stop. The teams who cannot move their donkeys are getting passed by much later teams, which drives them bonkers. It's just the luck of the draw and the team of Ari & Staella (such weird names this season) can't get their ass in gear. They arrive to the Pit Stop last and Phil kicks their asses out of the Race.

Final standings:

1 - Azaria & Hendekea - prize: trip to Alberta, Canada
2 - Kynt & Vyxsin - (those are the Goths)
3 - TK & Rachel
4 - Lorena & Jason
5 - Nicolas & Donald
6 - Shana & Jennifer
7 - Ronald & Christina
8 - Kate & Pat
9 - Marianna & Julia
10 - Nathan & Jennifer
11 - Ari & Staella - PHILIMINATED

Next week: Family conflict and more mud. Team names soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah!

    The TAR blogging is back!

    Can't wait for the great nicknames. Be forewarned, though, if you go lame with things like Team Goth or Team Bicker, I will be very very disappointed.

