Thursday, October 18, 2007

Violence in a Muslim country - Hard to believe, I know. From Fox News "Twin Explosions Near Bhutto Vehicle Kill Over 100": "Former premier Benazir Bhutto narrowly escaped a suicide bombing that shattered her homecoming procession and killed 126 people hours after she returned to Pakistan from exile pledging to fight extremism and promote democracy."


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Aparently Al Qaeda is suspected. Presumably it's not the same Al Qaeda that's been "devastated" from the surge, according to this week's truth announcements.

  2. Terrorists hit in Pakistan, and it is Bush's fault. Nice logic from the guy above. Of course, let's not consider the half-century or more of violence in Pakistan from Muslims. Nope. It was all peaceful until Bush came around. Just ask India.

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Say you're going after Al-Qaida "dead or alive," and then scoot over next door instead. Then claim "progress" when bad news is wider and worse. It really isn't a hard premise to debunk, Bri.

    Besides, isn't the half-century of violence Clinton's fault?

  4. I dunno, do any of these anons encourage we invade Pakistan to fix the problem? Near as I can tell, they believe that if they just deny there's a problem and ignore that big hole in the ground in Manhattan then everything is hunky-dory and they're free to carp without actually having to do anything else.

  5. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Dave is a regular Hero. Be a cheerleader, save the world.

    Small detail, Dave. The people who MADE that big hole in the ground in Manhattan are hiding out IN Pakistan/Afghanistan... you know, that "problem area" where we sent a token force to hunt down Mr. Dead Or Alive for about ten minutes? Before yanking and redeploying Afghan troops to settle an old grudge and make hundreds of billions in graft and oil?

    But by all means, let's pretend THAT'S hunky-dory, or fixing the problem, or something illogical liberal anons "carp" about, or whatever lie you need to tell yourself to keep the shame away.
