Friday, October 05, 2007

That was quick

MSN: "Recession isn't an 'if' but a 'when'"
Larry Kudlow: "Recession off the table"

1 comment:

  1. "Recession isn't if but when" is obvious. However, the bears have apparently correctly called 4 of the last zero recessions since 2001. Not such a hot record. I suppose if you keep calling for a recession sooner or later even Krugman can get it right. (I sure hope he took his money out of the market every time he advised others to do so, but I'll bet he didn't.)

    I see the MSN guy is using anecdotal evidence (my God!!! a run on a UK bank [with apparently *ZERO* effect on the UK financial industry]) and unwishful thinking.

    Kudlow is discussing the comparative data.

    I don't mind the professional doomsayers making their living by being as pessimistic as possible, but they unholy glee they take in such predictions is getting kinda old.
