Friday, October 05, 2007

Oh those wacky Nobel laureates

From CNN: "Ig Nobel awards celebrate the sillier side of science"

This year's planned Ig Nobel program included a two-minute speech by keynote speaker Doug Zongker consisting only of the word "chicken," and a mini-opera entitled "Chicken versus Egg," performed by professional mother-daughter opera singers Gail Kilkelly and Maggie McNeil.
Sounds like a fowl affair.

1 comment:

  1. The Air Force didn't have anyone present to accept their Peace Prize Award for their 'gay bomb' efforts. Too bad. As an Air Force vet (non-officer) I would have gladly volunteered had I known. (Would have needed a new uniform, though, no way my 240 lb, 60-year-old body would fit into that uniform that fit a 160 lb, 20-year old.)
