Friday, October 19, 2007

No action on artificial goals - Doesn't it feel good to warm up around the good intentions of reducing greenhouse gases? Until, you know, you actually have to do something then...well...we can't do that.


  1. Hey, good intentions are a lot better than actual results because good intentions are perfect and results are imperfect. This is why intentions mean more to Leftist than results. Results pretty much tend to show that Lefty good intentions put into practice are worse than the problem they were designed to fix.

  2. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Yes! All hail "actual results"! But not scientific "actual results." Those are all lefty lies for grant money! Those frauds are in the pocket of Big Ozone Layer.

  3. Jeez, I hope you aren't calling models "scientific 'actual results'" cause that'd make this comment even dumber than normal. Of course, cult-like belief in fabulations like Anthropogenic Global Warming is a strong indicator of low IQ.

  4. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Whereas swallowing paid debunkings from Exxon shills qualifies one for the presidency of Mensa, no doubt.

    Scientific study can be complex, or even contradictory! So REALLY smart people just absorb some CEO's talking points and never deviate from them, never ever ever.

    (You know, people who are genuinely bright don't feel the compulsion to go around telling the dumb ones "You're dumb.")
