Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mugabe's hyperinflation, carefully calculated

I'm not sure if the word is "pathetic" or "bathetic," but here's the sad punchline from a story on Zimbabwe's economic crisis:

Zimbabwe's inflation rate accelerated to a new record high of 7,982.1 percent year on year in September from 6,592.8 percent in August, the government's Central Statistical Office (CSO) said on Wednesday.
Good thing they added on that extra 0.1% inflation. Somebody might have headed to the supermarket with only 12 wheelbarrows full of currency.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I checked with my hard-core Marxist colleague, and he assures me all is well, and just as soon as Mugabe has cleansed Zimbabwe of all the influences of capitalism, colonialism, and neo-colonialism we'll the the birth of a new Marxist Paradise in Zimbabwe. Any day now.
