Thursday, October 25, 2007

Free speech and pizza - George Will has a great column today titled "The $114.69 speech police" that lays bare the unconstitutionality of campaign finance laws because it's impossible to de-link money and speech.

Extra - Betsy has more on how colleges spread ideas by limiting free speech. Wait...what?

And this - More open exchange of opinions at Emory: "In what has become an all too common occurrence at our universities, open discourse was once again squashed by militant and boorish behavior from members of the audience at yesterday's lecture by David Horowitz."


  1. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Oh, God, no! David Horowitz sparks a rude, provocative reaction!

    This is such tragic news for Horowitz's reputation. What could possibly top this unprecedented horror? Will Madonna try to do something shockingly impious?

  2. I guess it boils down to: does David Horowitz deserve the same freedom of speech extended to Iran's Ahmanijihad? No? Didn't think so.

  3. Anonymous11:56 AM

    It also boils down to: professional agitators have a strange habit of agitating. Fool me 47 times, shame on you; fool me 48 times, shame on me.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm a little too distraught to continue typing. I'm terribly, terribly offended by something hyperbolic that Ann Coulter just said. She is OUT THERE.

  4. Anonymous9:09 PM

    John Amato: "People like Horowitz and Malkin speak at colleges because they WANT to be booed. Then FOX can run the video over and over all day to play the poor little Conservative victim card."

    It's true. For these Johnny One-Notes, getting shouted off the stage is "capital, political capital." Of course, it's only redeemable at the company store.

  5. "It's true. For these Johnny One-Notes, getting shouted off the stage is "capital, political capital." Of course, it's only redeemable at the company store."

    Sooooooo, Leftists then indulge them, why, exactly? After all, if the Lefties didn't show up and try to use the 'heckler's veto' there would be a smaller crowd and no newsworthy events, right?

    Or could it just be that Lefties simply can't stand the idea of anyone else being allowed to speak to a college crowd? Nah. That couldn't be it. They're in favor of free speech and against fascist tactics. Or so they say until Horowitz or Coulter is speaking.

    Stalinists never change, as evidenced by two commenters here.

  6. Anonymous11:44 PM

    "Stalinists never change..."

    You're deeply stupid.

  7. Anonymous11:46 PM

    See? You got a negative response! Your worldview has been completely validated, and all it took was you behaving like a putz!
