Friday, October 12, 2007

Fair and balanced - Some reporting was done on Hillary Clinton and you'll never guess who passed Journalism 101: "It's a very sad day for a reputable news organization when it finds itself badly outdone on accuracy by Fox News, but that's exactly what happened to the Associated Press today."


  1. Anonymous1:22 AM

    This wouldn't be the same Fox News that just depantsed itself on the air after getting suckered by an online joke, would it?

    Fox News? Journalism 101? What is that, out of a thousand?

  2. Hmmm. Can I take this (the above comment) to mean the the NYT, e.g., now has its pants back on and is no longer publishing 'plastic turkey' comments. Oh. Nevermind. Some 'pantsings' are permanent.

    (And I won't even get into the Dan Rather/CBS News/TANG disaster, nor the TNR/Beauchamp stuff. Pantsed, indeed.)

  3. Anonymous11:36 PM

    NYT, 2006: holds onto the illegal wiretapping story for a year before publishing it, like the BDS traitors they are.

    Fox News, 2007: the White House leaks its legally-obtained Al-Qaeda surveillance link 20 minutes after receiving it; Fox blows the cover in under 5 hours.

    Q: Er, WHO hates America?

    P.S. Give it up on the prop turkey already. That fake bird has flown.

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Psssst! Don't tell the True Believers that the link emphasizes that Fox News is the industry joke, and that AP is being criticized for slipping to Fox's everyday level.
