Monday, October 01, 2007

Dodge duck dip dive and dodge on Social Security

From today's WashPost's editorial: "Sen. Clinton's empty table - The candidate has no plan to fix Social Security"

Once there was a Clinton who understood three key things about Social Security: The system is not sustainable without changes; these changes entail either risk or pain; making them sooner is easier than making them later.

That Clinton, of course, was Bill Clinton, quoted above from December 1998. But listening to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), you'd think nothing ails Social Security that a little bit of fiscal responsibility wouldn't cure. If something more is needed, Ms. Clinton isn't saying what.
Golly, that sounds familiar. (This too.)

More - From Econlog: "I have this quaint definition of fiscal responsibility as anything that reduces government liabilities to bring them into line with realistic expectations of tax revenues. The future President's definition of fiscal responsibility appears to be that long-term liabilities of the government do not matter at all. If a corporate president were to defiantly announce that he planned to do nothing about the corporation's long-term liabilities until the short-term profit picture improved, I do not think his company's stock would do very well." (HT: Memeorandum)


  1. I will never understand why such a large portion of people STILL listen to her or her wannabe first lady Bill. My mom taught me when I was little that a people get the leadership "they deserve". Meaning they are involved and require accountability and take part in the process, or they just leave it to someone else, consider it a spectator sport - like Monday Night Football. I can smell the hot dogs, beer and peanuts...

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    A "Monday Night Football" president will be a distinct improvement on an "American Gladiators" one.

  3. Anonymous2:29 PM

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