Tuesday, October 30, 2007

C'mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together

David Broder wants all the Presidential candidates to sit quietly as the Senate takes up entitlement reform:

If I had the power to summon all 16 of the people running for president to be in one place, I would want them in a Senate hearing room for a session that is taking place tomorrow morning.


What brings all these worthies together is an effort to revive the idea of a bipartisan effort to head off the bankrupting of America by runaway entitlement programs.

They and others, including Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, clearly see that unless ways are found to reform the financing and benefits of Social Security and Medicare, the demands imposed by the retirement of millions of baby boomers will consume the federal budget and blight the prospects of the next generations.
Yes, it's time for another bipartisan committee to slug it out. The only thing that would give the commission real power is if Congress is bound - one way or another - to vote on their recommendations.

1 comment:

  1. Some of these people need a stiff KARATE CHOP! to the neck, more than mere slugging it out.
