Tuesday, October 23, 2007

California is burning - This is the only story today: "Serious drought, tree-killing bark beetles and truck-flipping winds. Southern Californians have known for years they were living with the ingredients for devastating wildfires, but this time they are mixing with such violence it shocks people who thought they had seen it all." All the news sites have lots of photos, all very red.


  1. Anonymous10:31 PM

    The only story, as you say, and yet some media morons find a way to make it about the usual drivel.

    Glenn Beck: "I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today."

  2. This is a conspiracy by Bush and Karl Rove to eliminate as many Democrats from california as possible before the 2008 elections. Notice how the fire ends right near Orange County? It would have ended at the border but Rove is too smart for that.

    (I actually heard this theory today)

  3. Anonymous7:51 AM

    As is well known, at least to the Daily KOS set, Katrina was really a plan to force enough people out of New Orleans to allow the evil Republicans to dominate the state. This is a great opportunity for the SOCAL refugees to move to NOLA and redress the balance.

  4. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Ho, ho, ho, more conservative storytelling! Aren't those crackpot liberals ka-RAZY? Aren't you serious and thoughtful?

    The trouble with your imaginary 2-D cartoon opponents is that even when you stick dynamite in their pants and hit them with mallets, they keep coming back to bedevil you.

    You'll never ever kill the wabbit... but then, that's the whole point of permanent outrage, isn't it? It's never all, folks!
