Wednesday, September 12, 2007

White House declares Certs a breath mint, Harry Reid insists it's a candy

How cartoonishly reactionary is the Democrats' own Senator Harry Reid? If President Bush announces he'll pull back 30,000 troops from Iraq, it's not enough! If Ted Olsen is proposed as the next attorney general, he shall not be confirmed! If George Bush prefers vanilla ice cream then - consarnit! - chocolate shall be the only choice for Americans. The great Oz Reid has spoken!


  1. Greetings Viking. I'm on the other end of the state, a lifelong Democrat who will cross party lines. Permit me to confess my frustration with any Democrat who can offer nothing more than whatever the opposite of the POTUS happens to be.

  2. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Considering the troop 'reduction' hailed by Bush as a sign of success is actually a military necessity since the military has been abused so catastrophically by this administration (call a draft, already!) as stated by the JCS and SecDef back in the spring of this year, it's not a cut. The surge was meant to be temporary, and was known it had to have a definitive end date (given as spring of next year by the parties mentioned above), which means it is not a reduction to bring the surge number home next spring. Got it? It's pretty easy.

    Here's a simple analogy: if my wife tells me I need to go on a diet and I say I need to load up on vitamins before I do that and, therefore, actually start eating a lot more (to get the vitamins, see?), when I stop gorging and announce it as the beginning of the diet when in reality I am eating just as much as I was when I was told I needed to go on a diet, it is not a diet. I have just stopped gorging.

    If the president calls himself a uniter and constantly seeks to divide and one of his means of doing this is to send up extreme partisans, then opposition to that nomination is not simple reaction but working for the people to ensure they get someone concerned with doing the people's business rather than that of a select minority and calling out the president on his hypocrisy.

    Bush was given a list approved by both a Democratic Senator and a Republican Senator, both from Virginia, regarding an appellate nominee for Virginia. Standard practice for some time now and a way to ensure that the circuit most affected is going to be represented by one interested in justice and less prone to partisan activism. What does Bush do? Goes outside the recommendations and nominates a corporate whore who hasn't exhibited one iota of giving a damn about citizens.

    This is but a minutiae of the president's refusal to govern for the majority from day one of his presidency. Given the president's consistent track record of thumbing his nose, denigrating, firing, demoting, slandering, and lifting a middle finger towards anyone who will not bow down to his almighty wisdom, it's good to see at least a little backbone in Congressional leadership again. Although, the nation would welcome a much more solid showing even if the votes aren't there to roll back the disasters, at least they could ensure no more are committed by these constitutional vandals.

  3. Harry's position on these issues is based on real political differences.

    Downplaying those, just to pretend that all Reid is doing is opposing the president is disingenuous at best.

    I'm glad Reid isn't going to be satisfied with half-measures and more cronies.

    If that's what you want, you're really just asking for a rubber-stamp congress again, and that's NOT what we need.

  4. Anonymous2:10 PM

    So sad to be in the minority in the Congress, isn't it? :P

  5. Anonymous7:55 PM

    If I didn't know any better, I'd say the Republicans are nothing but... but... obstructionists!
