Wednesday, September 26, 2007

We don't know nothin' about no MoveOn - The New York Times has situational amnesia about how discounts are given on advocacy ads.


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Ooh, looky here: the Washington Post also calls Gen. Petraeus a liar. Er, make that "hard to parse."

    Apparent contradictions are relatively easy to find... Civilian casualty numbers in the Pentagon's latest quarterly report on Iraq last week, for example, differ significantly from those presented by the top commander in Iraq, Gen. David H. Petraeus, in his recent congressional testimony. Petraeus's chart was limited to numbers of dead, while the Pentagon combined the numbers of dead and wounded -- a figure that should be greater... the numerical differences are still stark, and the reasons offered can be hard to parse... Baghdad had always tallied [vehicle/suicide bombings] numbers along with other killings, Macomber said, but the Pentagon had always taken them out in compiling its own graphs... intelligence officials found contradictions in the available statistics as they wrote last month's National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq, whose conclusions were somewhat less optimistic than the military's...

    But there's no silly insult rhyme, and it's not from a mean old internet lefty. No need to pay attention, then... good manners and delivery are far more crucial than content. Hey, how about that stinky Times!

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Keep on believin', oh brave Anonymous one!

  3. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I'm more of a "facts" guy than a "belief" guy, thanks... but you keep dancing with the one what brought ya!

    And I'm so anonymous, I should have been an Iraqi casualty not included in Gen. Petraeus' presentation!
