Friday, September 14, 2007

They just needed the cash - Don Surber has a slide-ways take on the NY Times/MoveOn ad controversy: "Maybe the NYT was desperate."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:49 AM

    The Times runs a discounted ad that mimics their editorial page, and this is a scandal. But Sean Hannity boasts about how FOX News helped kill the immigration bill, and that's... what? Journalism 101?

    Hannity: "They [the bill's backers] didn’t expect a push back. Talk radio got involved, FOX NEWS, the new media all of a sudden people got informed. They started dialing—instilled fear in their politicians and it changed."

    The best part of all is watching the rightwing pantywaist 30%ers shriek and squeal about the other side... this is really hard to type, but I must... NAME-CALLING.

    Where would this country be today, if conservatives ever stooped to such a thing?
