Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Six years later

The movie "Swordfish" was on the other night, and this speech by John Travolta's super-patriot character struck a nerve:
Stanley: War? Who are we at war with?
Gabriel: Anyone who impinges on America's freedom. Terrorist states, Stanley. Someone must bring their war to them. They bomb a church, we bomb 10. They hijack a plane, we take out an airport. They execute American tourist, we tactically nuke an entire city. Our job is to make terrorism so horrific that is becomes unthinkable to attack Americans.
So, is American policy: you destroy two towers and we'll invade two countries?

Just sayin'.

Update - Oops, forgot about the Pentagon. Better make that three countries.


  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    No American policy is you bomb us and we will make your life so painful that you will never again think that you can get away with. We have taken the fight to the Middle East and out of the Middle of NY which is exactly where it should be.

  2. Anonymous9:47 PM

    EXCLUSIVE: Advance Copy of the Democratic National Convention Agenda

    Agenda for the Democratic National Convention (DuNce) for 2008:

    7:00 P.M. Opening flag burning.
    7:15 P.M. Pledge of allegiance to U.N.
    7:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    7:30 to 8:00 P.M. Nonreligious prayer & worship. Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton.
    8:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    8:05 P.M. Ceremonial tree hugging.
    8:15-8:30 P.M. Gay Wedding--Barney Frank Presiding.
    8:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    8:35 P.M. Free the Terrorist Rally, Presented by Cindy Sheehan & Susan Sarandon.
    9:00 P.M. Keynote speech. The proper etiquette for surrender--Harry "Realestate" Reid.
    9:15 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    9:20 P.M. Collection to benefit Osama Bin Laden kidney transplant.
    9:30 P.M. Unveiling of plan to free the freedom fighters from Guantanamo Bay by Sean Penn.
    9:40 P.M. Why I hate the Military, A short talk by William Jefferson Clinton.
    9:45 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    9:50 P.M. Dan Rather presented Truth in Broadcasting award, presented by Michael Moore.
    9:55 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    10:00 P.M. How George Bush & Donald Rumsfeld brought down the World Trade Center Towers,by Howard Dean.
    10:30 P.M. Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Mahmud Ahnadinejad.
    11:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    11:05 P.M. Al Gore reinvents Internet.
    11:15 P.M. Our Troops are War criminals, by John Kerry.
    11:30 P.M. Corronation of Mrs. Rodham Clinton.
    12:00 A.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
    12:05 A.M. Bill asks Ted to drive Hillary home.

  3. Anonymous11:32 PM

    That brilliant piece of satire is even funnier than it was when it was bouncing around in 2004. Congratulations to whoever successfully switched "Nomination of John Kerry" to "Nomination of Hillary Clinton"; the current crop of conservatives aren't usually that competent.

  4. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Geeze, Anonymous, what's wrong with conservatives recycling political material? After all, the Democrats do it all the time. Look at their platform over the last two and upcoming Presidential elections:

    2000 -- We have to beat George W. Bush.

    2004 -- We have to beat George W. Bush.

    2008 -- We have to beat George W. Bush.

    They are running against "W" in 2008 -- too dim (or maybe Dem) to notice he ain't gonna be on the ballot.

  5. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I understand why you don't want it to be so, but face reality. W will be the whole ballot in 2008.
