Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A respectable 50 out of 60 - And you better believe I got question #60 right: American Civics Test. Via Betsy, who claims she got 59 out of 60, the show-off.


  1. I got 55. I missed 19, 53, 54, 58, 59.

    Guess I am lacking in economic knowledge but know my stuff in everything else.

  2. Anonymous12:22 AM

    56. Missed 19, 39, 53, 58. Plato? Bah!

  3. Rats!! I mis-entered one that I *knew* (I don't know how, since the answers aren't even remotely alike, but I evidently chose b instead of a) and missed one. My economics isn't always so great either. I missed 58 but probably should have been able to figure it out.

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    54. (90%) I was embarrassed until I saw the average scores at Harvard and Yale. I went to a working-class directional school and these kids from fancy private schools and Ivy League money score in the 60% range??

    Parents, send your kids to E. Podunk U and make 'em tend bar to pay for it. They'll end up smarter.

  5. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Missed two, including one economics question I could probably argue. OK, would argue even if I'm still wrong.

    While I believe that this test is too tough to be a fair measure of cultural literacy, it is an interesting test for liberal arts students.

    Fortunately for us, my son had traditional college history courses down here in Texas while in high school. The freshman courses at his East Coast school were mostly things like "Women in the 20th Century" or "The History of Revolution in Latin America". Honest.

  6. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I also missed one. Number 60, in fact, but it's not how many we missed that's important its how many college students miss. A few of the question were tough enough that anyone could get them wrong, but really, getting only 32 out of 60 right is ridiculous. And that was the average.

  7. Wow, you guys kicked ass. I feel stupid by comparison (but not to those college kidz)

  8. 56. I think I sort of got ADHD at the end of the quiz and didn't really think through the questions, because all of the ones I missed were closer to the end.
