Monday, September 17, 2007

"Oh Lizzie
You frightened me with your Right viewpoints
So I'm staying away
Oh Lizzie
You watch Fox News and you're scary
And I need Rosie back, oh Lizzie"


  1. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Just like Lyndon Johnson on Walter Cronkite, somewhere GWB is saying, "If I've lost Barry Manilow, I've lost America."

  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Barry Manilow, another cut & run liberal. Loud-mouthed and annoying, at least Rosie spoke up for her beliefs.

    Conservatives are only dangerous and offensive and scary if you don't know them and you believe everything liberals say about them. Get to know conservatives and they're quite nice.

  3. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "The View": Love It Or Leave It.

    So Barry left it!
