Monday, September 24, 2007

Not the sharpest scimitar in the drawer

I think Columbia's Lee Bollinger might have stumbled onto something here:

Bollinger levied repeated criticisms against Ahmadinejad, calling on him to answer a series of challenges about his leadership, blasting his views about the "myth" of the Holocaust as being "absurd," and saying that he doubted he "will have the intellectual courage to answer these questions."

"You are either brazenly provocative or astonishingly uneducated," Bollinger told Ahmadinejad about the leader's Holocaust denial. "Will you cease this outrage?"
Ahmadinejad has gained this undeserved reputation as being "crazy like a fox" but I think he's simply crazy...and maybe a little dim. His answers are impenetrable and immune to any kind of logic but why should we attribute this to some kind of guile? Maybe he's just a dope. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the right one.


  1. Anonymous12:01 AM

    A deluded dope and intellectual coward, drunk on his own (unwarranted) self-confidence, rising to the Presidency of a nation? Yet incapable of reconciling basic logical data? While arrogantly refusing to answer direct questions?

    Unimaginable! Those poor citizens... over there.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Ahh, looky. Another anonymous lefty who loves Mahmoud and hates George Bush.

    Why don't you volunteer to take the place of an Iranian homosexual, Christian, or female rape victim who is scheduled to be publicly hung or beheaded?

    Let them come to America to live under the regime of the real terrorist, George Bush?

  3. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Tsk, tsk. Another idiot who can only redefine the reality around them into binary terms. Nuance, scary! Multiple possibilities HATE AMERICA!

  4. Anonymous11:31 AM

    It is you who created the little moral/intellectual equivalency between the DinnerJacket and Bush. Is George Bush the real terrorist in your world?

    You confuse nuance with moral cowardice and mental incompetance.

    So, smartest kid in the class, give me the NUANCED interpretation of a genocidal maniac who is right at this moment building weapons that kill US Soldiers, promising to instigate a second Holocaust, and publicly executing people for acts of conscience, sexual orientation, and other anti-Islamic behavior. Does he have legitimate grievances? Is it poverty? Is American imperialism the root cause of Islamic unrest?

    Do tell us, oh huge brain of nuanced understanding! Please allow us to share the clarity of vision which will allow us to love both the enemies of our country, and our country. Show us how to move Beyond Good and Evil!!! I'm ready for eine Philosophie der Zukunft!!

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Ahmadinejad and Bush are both cocksure mediocrities, unable to defend their views with honesty and logic, and both unfit for public service.

    It's you who blew this limited, facile comparison up into a "moral/intellectual equivalency." It's you who assumes that people who make fun of Bush must therefore "love" dead soldiers and Holocausts and genocide. It's a lot easier to win debates that don't exist, isn't it?

    But please, stay safe and stay strong in your cartoon world. Perspective: it's either with you or against you!
