Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Democrats dance to MoveOn's music

Here's Jeff Jacoby with "Pandering on the left":

So this is what the Democratic Party has been reduced to - wobbling and weaving for fear of offending the moonbats in far left field. Do Clinton, Edwards, and Obama really have no idea of the esteem in which most Americans hold military officers? Did they learn nothing from the "botched joke" that ended John F. Kerry's presidential hopes? Is retaining MoveOn's good will so important to them that they will look the other way even when the integrity of a distinguished American general is recklessly trashed?

"If you are not tough enough to repudiate a scurrilous, outrageous ad such as that, then I don't know how you are tough enough to be president of the United States." So said an indignant Senator John McCain the other day. You don't have to be a Republican to feel the same way.
General Petreaus was affirmed by Congress without a single dissenting vote and, at the time, Democrats praised him as a straight-shooter who could shift tactics in Iraq for the better. His transformation from respected military mind to traitor was complete when he failed to deliver the news that MoveOn wanted to hear.

Extra - From Wizbang: "Antiwar left yanks leash on Harry Reid"

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