Saturday, September 01, 2007

America's deep in the red - From the federal government to your Aunt Tillie, everybody's spending more than they have

1 comment:

  1. I see Mort's signed on as Paul Krugman's First Mate and the "We're All Doomed" yacht.

    Good news is bad news and bad news is worse news and we're all (well all us plebes without cushy writing jobs) going to hell in a bucket.

    Especially that 'saving' rate. That rate seems to exclude most 'investments' not just home equity. Which makes more sense, putting your money in a traditional savings account earning 2.5% or in a 401k or 403b or IRA making multiples of that?

    And I'm pretty sure not every homeowner in the US has borrowed up their equity and blown it at the casinos.

