Monday, August 06, 2007

Who's the boss?

Looks like Senator Mitch McConnell:

From the Boston Globe "New law expands power to wiretap":

President Bush signed a new law yesterday that expands the government's power to wiretap phone calls and e-mails on American soil without court oversight, capping a sudden victory for the White House despite loud criticism from advocates of civil liberties and privacy rights.
Hooray for Congress, which at last report was under Democratic control, but that can't be confirmed. The only major legislation voted out of this Congressional session has passed with a Republican majority and Democratic minority, expect for that minimum wage bill which was snuck into a budget resolution.

Extra - From Polipundit: "Kossacks flip out over FISA" Congrats on your majority, suckers!

More - Gun Toting Liberal says "thanks, jerks." (HT: Ann)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Thank goodness the Republicans didn't sell out their principles for short term gain and protection, back when they held the majority.

    P.S. Enjoying your 800,000-gajillion-dollar GOP budget?
