Friday, August 10, 2007

Well, that's an unfortunate "accident"

Golly I wonder if Robert Mugabe is going to steal the March election in Zimbabwe? From the NY Times: "General's death portends election troubles in Zimbabwe"

With all the problems besetting Zimbabwe, the untimely death of Brig. Gen. Armstrong P. Gunda, flattened by a freight train in late June, may seem to deserve only passing mention. His family, however, begs to differ.
Paging George Orwell:

General Gunda's death is seen by some as a signal that threats to Mr. Mugabe's re-election will be crushed. Indeed, some political analysts suspect that the plot was fabricated by his inner circle to make just that point.
Things are so bad in Zimbabwe right now, anybody with a pulse could beat Mugabe in a fair election. So it's time to either stop the election or stop the pulses.

And, by the way, "flattened by a freight train?" Freight trains travel about 10-15 mph and probably slower in Zimbabwe with no diesel. C'mon now.


  1. I am quite sure it was a suicide, just like the Russian suicides where guys shot themselves 6 or 7 times to death.

  2. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Golly I wonder if Robert Mugabe is going to steal the March election in Zimbabwe?

    Maybe they'll call the election before polls close in the Zimbabwe panhandle.

    I wouldn't put it past ZNN. They're obviously a hotbed of Mnangagwa partisans suffering from MDS.

  3. "MDS" - you know, I can't deny it: that's funny.

  4. But how will they count the votes in Florida?

    A few years ago a guy was found dead in Gary, IN (kinda makes most of Chicago look safe) with about 18 holes drilled in his head. The local cops called it "the most persistent case of suicide we've ever seen."

  5. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Touchscreen voting databases that have already proven vulnerable to hackers = absurd lefty paranoia

    Daily Kos posters = a threat to our freedom

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    "threats to Mr. Mugabe's re-election will be crushed" - Literally.
