Thursday, August 16, 2007

The rise and fall of Hillary - Ann Althouse notes that Rudy Giuliani has surged ahead of Hillary in a national poll and speculates: "Here's my theory. In the last month, she's widened her lead over the other Democrats and now looks like the inevitable nominee. That's made her boring and also stirred up some realistic thinking and fears about what it would be like if she actually became President."

IIRC (although I can't find it online) right before election night 2004, Bob Shrum said something along the lines of "now they have to vote for him" - him being the thoroughly unlikable John Kerry. The Democrats are certainly have the inside track for the White House in 2008, but Americans may decide that four more years of a Clinton are too much.


  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Toesuckin' Dick Morris writing bad stuff 'bout Hillary Clinton? NO! Has the world gone topsy-turvy?

    What's the next unpredictable twist in politics... Ted Kennedy being fat?

  2. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Hillary may be this cycle's Bob Dole. She's been around for almost 20 years and it's just her turn. This will get her the nomination but the election is a different ballgame.

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    No, Hillary will be this cycle's George W. Bush. The well-connected legacy admission with a huge warchest who reaches the White House despite their stink-out-loud phoniness.

    Especially since the GOP doesn't even have a candidate as strong as 2000 Al Gore.

    You had your fun. This is your hangover... deal with it.

  4. You're probably right. I'll say one thing about Hillary's campaign is that it's notable for it's competency. No big mistakes, rake in the money, stay on message, wait for Obama to self-destruct (I don't consider Edwards worth a jot of consideration) and keep Al Gore at bay.

    Al Gore? Sure, why not? If this is the Democrats' year, why not him?
