Friday, August 03, 2007

Our very own Theo Van Gogh

From Fox News: "Cops Link Black Muslim Group to Editor's Murder"

Police said they recovered firearms linked to the slaying of an Oakland journalist during a series of early morning raids Friday targeting members of a Black Muslim splinter group that operates a chain of bakeries.
This next part clarifies how some people view the war on terror:

"To him it was just another story," Debro said. "He wasn't apprehensive or anxious about it at all. He said he was working on a bunch of stories and this was one."
I've written about this before: I don't see how Muslims can assimilate in the United States when they are, by definition, hostile to the ideals of the U.S. Constitution, especially the First Amendment. Freedom of religion means you're allowed to covert to Islam, but not the other way around. And, obviously, freedom of speech means you're allowed to criticize those who criticize Muslims.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Note that these people identify themselves as Black Muslims, members of a church formed in the US on an Islamic framework, and, being in Oakland are probably among the more, um, fundamentalist of them. It isn't fair to judge Islamic immigrants by their behavior even of your conclusion is accurate.
