Saturday, August 25, 2007

No more Mr. Nice Guy

There was something so sublime about Tom Shales crushingly brutal review of Bob Saget's HBO "comedy" special. From the Wash Post: "He'd empty a full house"

It's all some unsavory variation on having one's cake and eating it, too, reeling off lewd remarks at warp speed, stopping occasionally to feign an apology or upbraid the audience for laughing, then plunging ahead with numbing monotony. And while claiming shame over the sitcom and the "Videos" show, Saget keeps trying to mine them for laughs. He tells a member of the audience to "ask me my favorite episode" of "Full House" and then quickly answers, "the last one."

By that show's finale, he was probably making seven figures per episode, but just think of all the artistic suffering, the compromising of his high ideals, the thwarting of his desire to stand before a theater full of people and talk dirty. When he tells the audience, "I'd like to do something special for you now," one longs for a heckler to shout out, "How about shutting up?"
Apparently Saget's entire routine is a certain four-letter word repeated ad nauseum while defecating over his "clean guy" image. Sounds like fun!


  1. I loved his cameo in Entourage.

  2. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Bob Saget has always been a filthy comic and he never tried to hide it. I think he is pretty funny.

    The thing about Full House and his others shows is that he was ACTING. He is also putting on an act in his comedy shows. If you don't like it, change the channel.
