Sunday, August 05, 2007

Lies that Michael Moore told us

Here's a letter to the editor from a Canadian doctor in agreement with a Boston Globe editorial about the lack of primary care doctors:

Your editorial was correct. One only has to look to Canada to see what problems exist with universal healthcare and a lack of doctors. In Quebec, there are areas where as many as 30 percent of people with healthcare coverage cannot find a doctor. They have to use walk-in clinics and emergency rooms for some basic problems that could have been solved if they had a family doctor. The province has used misguided policies such as reducing medical school admissions, early retirement packages, and keeping physicians' fees among the lowest in Canada to cut healthcare costs. The result is a significant shortage of primary care physicians and specialists. What use is universal healthcare if you have no access to healthcare?!

Kirkland, Quebec
O Canada.


  1. I'll bet all those lousy missing Canadian primary health care doctors are fleeing to Cuba, where the weather is much better than in Canada and the system is even more wonderful.

  2. I am quite sure when that fat slob Michael Moore needs health care for heart problems, he won't be running to Canada or Cuba, he'll be in UCLA Medical Center or Johns Hopkins. Hell, he can come here to UNM Hospital and he'd have top-notch care.
