Monday, August 20, 2007

Forgetting history - Victor Davis Hanson answers "Why study war?" in City Journal: "Military history teaches us about honor, sacrifice, and the inevitability of conflict."

Also from City Journal, the cult of peace studies:

George Orwell would have understood the attraction of privileged young people to the Peace Racket. "Turn-the-other-cheek pacifism," he observed in 1941, "only flourishes among the more prosperous classes, or among workers who have in some way escaped from their own class. The real working class...are never really pacifist, because their life teaches them something different. To abjure violence it is necessary to have no experience of it." If so many young Americans have grown up insulated from the realities that Vegetius and Sun Tzu elucidated centuries ago, and are therefore easy marks for the Peace Racket, it's thanks to the success of the very things the Peace Racket despises above all - American capitalism and American military preparedness.


  1. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Searing! Here's something else from George Orwell:

    "And apart from the libels of the inter-party feud, all the usual war-stuff, the tub-thumping, the heroics, the vilification of the enemy—all these were done, as usual, by people who were not fighting and who in many cases would have run a hundred miles sooner than fight.

    ...As late as October 1937 the New Statesman was treating us to tales of Fascist barricades made of the bodies of living children (a most unhandy thing to make barricades with), and Mr Arthur Bryant was declaring that ‘the sawing-off of a Conservative tradesman’s legs’ was ‘a commonplace’ in Loyalist Spain.

    The people who write that kind of stuff never fight; possibly they believe that to write it is a substitute for fighting. It is the same in all wars; the soldiers do the fighting, the journalists do the shouting, and no true patriot ever gets near a front-line trench, except on the briefest of propaganda-tours.

    ...Perhaps when the next great war comes we may see that sight unprecedented in all history, a jingo with a bullet-hole in him."

  2. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I have an in-law who is big into "Peace Studies." She is dismayed when I tell her I don't believe in peace. There is only war and inter-war periods.
