Sunday, August 26, 2007

Chris Wallace smacks Bill Moyers - Pwn'ed over Karl Rove. John at Powerline asks: "There comes a time, it seems to me, when a man has been so utterly discredited as a hateful ignoramus that, not only should he be shunned by all people of good will, he should even be cut off from taxpayer subsidies. Is there anything - anything at all - that is too low for PBS to countenance?" I'm sure that Moyers will curtly respond that anything Karl Rove says is a lie and, if it isn't...well, slander doesn't apply to Karl Rove. His audience won't disagree.

More - Matt Hoy has the transcripts and more commentary.

And this - I'm going to assume that the "Bill Israel" who claimed his buddy Karl Rove told him he was agnostic is the same unbiased UMass journalism professor who waited exactly one day after 9/11 to pen this contemptible letter to the Daily Collegian.

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