Friday, July 27, 2007

Yawn, another subpoena - Captain Ed on executive privilege and the U.S. attorneys' flap: "Their [the White House] analysis is that the Democrats have gotten so frustrated with their inability to find anything criminal in the firings that they want to offer a futile, asinine denouement that will allow them to retreat, eventually." Don't underestimate the power of BDS, Captain.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Yeah, and don't leave out FBI Director Mueller who testified against Gonzalez; he's probably "mentally unhinged" and still foaming over the 2000 Florida election, too. The series of inner circle DoJ resignations must be due to tinfoil hat poisoning. And Deputy Attorney General Comey, who testified to the details of Gonzalez' 2004 hospital visit to Ashcroft, is the prototypical moonbat.

    Apparent perjury = "inability to find anything criminal" now? You don't see any B>A in there anywhere? Whatever, it must be another part of the "restoring honor to the Oval Office" deal that I'm also too "Bush-deranged" to appreciate.
