Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Then a million Jr. fans dropped their Budweisers

For a sport loosely associated with the Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynyrd, this is going to surprise a lot of NASCAR fans: Dale Earnhardt Jr. digs Barry Manilow

10. You got anything that people might consider atypical on your portable music player?

Earnhardt: Surprises? Well, I've always tried to come across as down to earth with everything I've done -- but sometimes things surprise you, like you got a Barry Manilow song on your iPod, or something.

Well, I do. Weekend in New England is one of my favorites. He's awesome. I think a lot of people listen to him that wouldn't admit it.
Oh, brother. In related news, here's Rolling Stone's list of the 20 most annoying songs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:13 PM

    20 worst songs eh? The stones can populate this list all by themselves. They are like that fat idiot Elton, OVER. Very over.
