Monday, July 02, 2007

Sooo...what's everybody talking about tonight? - Fox News: "Bush Commutes 'Scooter' Libby's Prison Sentence"


  1. Anonymous6:16 AM

    How's that "Bush legacy" smelling these days? Remember when there used to be competition for worst President?

    How can any moral, patriotic Republican be feeling today, with their bobo polluting the White House? It must be like one of those old Warner Brothers cartoons where the character transforms into a giant lollipop labelled "SUCKER."

  2. Anonymous8:08 AM


    What happened to Bush's balls? Why not just pardon Libby and be done with it? It's not like the Democrats can criticize him more than they will anyhow.

    I wouldn't work for this jerk who let's his people swing.

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "What happened to Bush's balls? Why not just pardon Libby and be done with it?"

    Well, hold up there.. Libby's attorneys feel he has good grounds for appeal, and I agree. A pardon makes the appeals process moot. If Libby can win on appeal, everyone wins.

    "How can any moral, patriotic Republican be feeling today, with their bobo polluting the White House"

    Certainly better then devoted Clintonistas who watched their dear leader grant clear quid pro quo pardons in exchange for cash and votes. (Marc Rich and FALN terrorist murderers) By the way, the 4 people they killed are still dead. Spare me the phony baloney arguments that Jimmah Cartah put forward. It was a vote buy, pure and simple.

  4. Anonymous4:55 PM

    The Clinton analogy really holds up, if he'd committed a crime and then pardoned the witness.

  5. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Boy, I know it's hard being a 'Progressive' but can anonymous please tell me exactly what crime Libby was a witness to? I mean, Richard Armitage admitted to leaking (accidentally, he said, not knowing what her status might be) Plame's CIA connection, and Fitz then . . . well, he didn't charge anyone. So, no crime.

    Now follow this one very, very closely. Armitage worked in the State Department for Colin Powell and was not exactly know for being a big Bush fan. Quite the contrary. And, Libby worked in the VP's Office. This means Libby couldn't possibly have 'witnessed' Armitage's non-crime.

    Clinton, OTOH, seems to have (there were never any charges, I'm betting because he did it just before leaving office and Republican officials appear not to be such vindictive a**holes as Democratic officials so they didn't run a full-blown investigation of a former President) taken bribes for pardons. That would seem to most even mildly intelligent individuals to be a worse crime than 'witnessing' a non-crime.


