Tuesday, July 03, 2007

So that's how Lindsey Lohan keeps getting into bars - Via Slate, a British study found that bartenders accurately guessed that 13-year old boys were underage but weren't so sure about the tweener girls.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Whoof! Many, many years ago I was the bar manager in a Lum's restaurant. We had a beer license. A young couple came in and wanted beer with their meal. The waitress asked me if she should card them. I took a glance and said, "absolutely." The guy came over, outraged. I insisted, and he finally admitted his date wasn't 21 then handed me a driver's license that showed he turned 21 THAT DAY!! I pointed out to him that it was hardly rational to expect me to be able to tell it was his birthday. (By the way, Illinois still, I think, embeds your birthday in you license number. I checked that for verification.)

