Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Robert Mugabe's "deshelfication" plan - Hey, I invented a new word. Officials in Zimbabwe decided that prices were too high at the supermarket so they slashed 'em in half. From the UK Telegraph: "Mugabe's 'inflation police' raid shopkeepers." Now there's no food left in the supermarket and the shopkeepers have no incentive to sell food below cost. This will end well. (HT: Q&O)


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Atlas doesn't need to shrug if he gets deliberately knocked down.

  2. "I agree with Mugabe's decision to implement price controls. If you'll remember, I did that with gasoline and it worked out wonderfully." - Jimmy Carter

  3. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Things could be worse. Mugabe could become the President of a United Africa.

  4. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Not to worry. My most Marxist colleague assures me Zimbabwe's troubles are all a result of decades or centuries of colonialism and/or neocolonialism and if we just let them run their course all will be well someday.


  5. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Strong, decisive, uncomplicated, convinced of his rightness... too bad he's stuck in Africa. Mugabe would have an excellent shot at winning the GOP Iowa primary.

  6. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I expect contradict statement from Carter to what he said about Mugabe,like what he did in Bush's case. It is utter blunder to support Mugabe's decision,rather Mugabe's price control strategies clearly shows how inefficient he is.
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