Monday, July 30, 2007

None dare call it BDS

Here's Senator Russ Feingold explaining to Chris Wallace that while's there no actual evidence of wrongdoing after a six-month investigation in the US Attorneys flap, he just has a gut feeling:

WALLACE: But you know, I think the question is, is this really going anywhere? Is this substantive oversight or is this political theater? I mean, the point is on the U.S. attorneys which we're talking about, six-month, seven-month investigation, 8,500 pages of documents, 14 witnesses, and you say yourself as a member of Senate Judiciary you haven't found any hard evidence that the White House has broken the law.
FEINGOLD: Well, I happen to think they probably did break the law here, but I don't think the investigation is over, and...
WALLACE: But do you have any evidence of that?
FEINGOLD: ... until we -- well, that's why we're asking for people like Karl Rove and others to come down and testify so we can actually examine the evidence.
We haven't had access to the evidence. How are you supposed to examine it when you can't look at it?
This has been a fruitful use of taxpayer money. What's next for Congress?

A group of House Democrats will introduce a resolution calling on the Judiciary Committee to begin impeachment proceedings against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) will sponsor the measure. It will be dropped in the hopper tomorrow.

It's too early to say whether it will actually get anywhere.
Great. Is this Congress going to do anything besides minimum wage? Well, there's earmark reform:

Under this bill, the American people would be forced to trust Senator Reid and Senator Byrd - two of the biggest earmarkers in the Senate - to certify earmark disclosure. This bill allows the fox to guard the henhouse and makes a joke of ethics reform.
Anything more to add?

"Chief Justice John Roberts has died in his summer home in Maine. No, not really, but we know you have your fingers crossed."
Good night!

Extra - Gateway Pundit: "House Dem leadership fear success in Iraq"


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    It has never been explained to me exactly what law the Administration may have violated.

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Wonkette: "Chief Justice John Roberts has died in his summer home in Maine. No, not really, but we know you have your fingers crossed."Good night!

    Oh, my God! How shocking! How crass! Only a twisted liberal BDSer would ever... oh.

    On the July 30 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage reacted to news that Chief Justice John Roberts had suffered a seizure that day by raising the possibility that “his health was in some way tampered with by the Democrats.”
