Sunday, July 08, 2007

If you missed "60 Minutes" tonight - Here's the Comptroller General of the United States, David Walker, discussing "the dirty little secret everyone in Washington knows" that current obligations for entitlement spending will simply bankrupt the country.


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    The corollary that Democrats will never admit: We can’t tax our way out of the crisis either. Taxes high enough to pay for all the goodies we promised will destroy the economy.

    Serious reform (including reduced transfer payments) combined with strong growth is the only hope.

    Bush tried in 2005 and everyone from both parties bailed on reform.

  2. Anonymous12:47 AM

    While most stop watches go TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK the stop watch for 60 MINUTES gose LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE
