Sunday, July 22, 2007

How declasse - Sarkozy to France: Less thinking, more working: "Somehow Mr. Sarkozy and his team hope to persuade the French that it is in their interest to abandon what some commentators call a nationwide "laziness" and to work longer and harder, and maybe even get rich."


  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Sarko's heart is in the right place, but I'm afraid He's got it all wrong. Even children can want to be rich. Wanting to work to become rich takes a man*. France's men lie dead on the battlefields of Europe; their sad little decedents-in-waiting are MINO's**...

    * Yeah, yeah, yeah.
    ** Men In Name Only

  2. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Is this supposed to be clever?

    Tell that to the French troops who at this very moment are fighting and dying alongside American troops in Afghanistan.

  3. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Looks like a total of six French troops have been killed in Afghanistan - at least half were Special Forces Operators.

    General rule with French military - their Special Forces and Foreign Legion Troops will fight like Hell. The rest of them will never leave the base unless there is a wine or women around – even if a genocide is occurring outside the gate.

  4. Anonymous9:15 AM

    There are around 2000 French troops supporting the US effort in Afghanistan. Their air force has run bombing missions and they have provided naval and ground support to operation Enduring Freedom.

    Evidently they have not reached the minimum casualty threshold required to be deemed worthy of appreciation and respect.

    The track record of the entire world is lousy when it comes to preventing genocides.

  5. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I wonder if the President of France ever had his daddy pull strings to place him into a risk-free military hiding place during the Algerian War... and then even ducked out early after getting that cushy slot as a gift... and grew up to play dress-up, just like a real flyboy, and tell all the soldiers that they'd won?

    Those French, they're all hat and no cattle.

  6. Anonymous2:51 PM

    When will Bush order his little princesses to enlist? Never, which proves the war is bad.

  7. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I wonder if French tanks are being destroyed with recently manufactured American made anti-tank rockets?

    Their Air Force asked to run bombing missions with their new fighters to help market them.

    Anonymous - Last I checked, this is a free country with an all-volunteer military, so ordering anyone to enlist isn't possible.

    All of the Roosevelt males served dury WW2, Anna Roosevelt Halsted never served in the military.
