Saturday, July 21, 2007

"Harry Potter" predictions

I forgot to make my guesses last night but, rest assured, I didn't stand in line at midnight for the new book. Here are some conjectures with my A-1 sure-fire top prediction on top:

- Severus Snape returns and betrays Voldemort at a critical moment, killing He-who-must-not-be-named and saving Harry Potter. Snape will be mortally wounded but will live long enough to explain why Dumbledore put his faith in Snape all the way to the end. The "Boy who lived" will.

- Ron and Hermione will finally admit their love for each other. Harry will double-date with Ginny Weasley.

- Ron will make First Boy of Gryffindor and will score a winning goal in Quidditch.

- Malfoy and his father: dead.

- As noted, Harry will not die but will simply leave Hogwarts for parts unknown. Well, unknown except to Hedwig.

These are predictions, not spoilers, so rest easy wayward Google searchers.

More - Tom has a more expansive analysis than I with a possible motive for Snape to kill Voldemort. I'll go a little further on my prediction: recall how Dumbledore instructed Snape to teach Harry to avoid mind-reading (Book 5). I think in Book 6, at that critical moment, Dumbledore mentally asked Snape to kill him (Dumbledore) to save Harry and carry on the fight to another day. Just guessing.


  1. Ron's the keeper -- that's like the goalie. How often does the goalie score? I'm guessing close to never, so I call BS on that prediction.

    Weasley is our King
    He saves everything...

  2. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Yeah, well, he's going to pull a Ron Hextall. (obscure hockey reference)

    Nevermind: I'm 1/5th through the book and I don't think anybody's going to be playing Quidditch.

  3. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Foreseeing that Ron & Hermione would wind up together is an absolutely amazing prediction!!!

    How about the next Harrison Ford movie... do you think that he'll finally get his revenge in the end against that team of ruthless bad guys?
