Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Paging Dr. Pangloss

Victor Davis Hanson on "Our Enemy's Attrition - Reasons to reexamine the Middle East's negative prognosis"

The majority opinion is that the occupation in Iraq has been so bungled that the blowback has ruined American efforts at promoting positive change throughout the Middle East.

Perhaps. But for all the justifiable criticism of the Iraqi reconstruction, two truths still remain — the United States is taking an enormous toll on jihadists, and despite the terrible cost in blood and treasure, has not given up on a constitutional government in Iraq.
The problem that Americans see, driving support for the war to an all-time low, is that it looks like the Iraqis have given up on a constitutional government.

But the Iraqi government's failure to resolve long-simmering ethnic hatreds and make concessions to Sunnis suggest the improved security may remain only as long as U.S. forces are here, keeping a lid on violence.
With Republicans wavering in Congress, this may be the beginning of what the Weekly Standard calls "Slow-motion Tet"

The fact is that Al Qaeda is steadily losing its grip in Iraq, and these attacks are alienating its erstwhile Iraqi supporters. But the terrorists are counting on sapping our will as the VC did, and persuading America to choose to lose a war it could win.
Mmmm...could be. I'm now skeptical that anything can change the dynamic in Iraq and reverse a thousand years of sectarian hatred. The Iraqi "surge" is the last best hope for the Iraqi government to reach a political resolution but I fear we're going to end up getting the purple finger.

Extra - Rick Moran also wonders where the progress is at: "That's a start as far as barometers for "victory." And we're nowhere near achieving any of them!" Yeah, which is why Congress is going shrug shoulders, tell Maliki "we tried" and walk away.


  1. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Perhaps... it looks like... suggest... this may be... Mmmm...could be... "

    Close enough! I'd gladly sacrifice my child to keep that going... just to see!

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Unlike you, I've put my life on the line in this war - so my children don't have to.

    I wouldn't be surpirsed if my son does serve in the military some day and is in combat himself.

    That is the price of civilization.

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    We are doing the world a huge favor by killing terrorists by the hundreds per month.

  4. Anonymous3:17 PM

    We are doing the world a huge favor by killing terrorists by the hundreds per month.

    Keep on keeping the faith, baby!

    (But why do I think the identical "huge favor" comment, in Arabic, is now appearing on the Syrian Pundit blog?)

  5. Anonymous3:25 PM

    "(But why do I think the identical "huge favor" comment, in Arabic, is now appearing on the Syrian Pundit blog?) "

    Because you suffer from moral equivalency disorder...9/11 = Abu Ghraib, Bush=Bin Laden=Jewish grade-schooler=Palestinian Freedom Fighter=Al Queda=US Military...etc etc.

  6. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Taliban = Iraq...
    Saddam = Al Qaeda...
    dissent = treason...
    criticism = "wanting to lose"...
    rule of law = comforting the enemy...

    WE'VE got the moral, historical and logical high grounds here, bud.

  7. Anonymous11:00 AM

    "moral, historical and logical "

    Just because you can use words doesn't mean that you understand them

  8. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I'm sure the "identical huge favor" thing is being published in the Middle East. The difference between us is that I don't care anymore than our WWII GI's cared what Tokyo Rose had to say.
