Friday, June 15, 2007

One of those crazy "open mic" gaffes - Via Publius Pundit, a Syrian politician is killed by a car bomb and the TV anchor asks: "What took them so long to kill him?" Oops.


  1. Actually, it was an anti-Syrian Lebanese politician that was killed. The latest in a wave of politicians and journalists.

  2. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Hey, and how about Bush bringing democracy to the Middle East? That democratically-elected Palestinian government sure is the brightest bloom in the flowering of freedom! C'mon, give Mr. Purple Fingers a really big hand!

    And even though Bush is now reduced to the desperation arming of Sunni militias, that's sure to pay big freedom dividends, too. There hasn't been a single counterexample where such "enemy of our enemy" handouts have gone wrong.
