Monday, June 04, 2007

America hates Washington

From ABC News: "Democrats Lose Their Edge - Poll Shows Congressional Approval Ratings Have Returned to Pre-Election Levels"

The Democrats in Congress have lost much of the leadership edge they carried out of the 2006 midterm election, with the lack of progress in Iraq being the leading cause. Their only solace: President Bush and the Republicans aren't doing any better.
Against my better judgment, I listened to some of the Democratic debate on XM radio this morning and (except for Mike Gravel and maybe Dennis Kucinich) every politician offered up the most vapid, featherweight explanations on nearly every topic. Here's Jeff Jacoby with "Short on substance":

But in truth, last night's debate wasn't funny. It was worrisome. Worrisome that in 120 minutes of talk, not one of the Democratic candidates had anything substantive to say about the global jihad. Worrisome that all but one of the Democrats oppose legislation to declare English the official language of the United States. Worrisome that on the issue they spent the most time discussing -- the war in Iraq -- not one spoke seriously or responsibly about the consequences of an American withdrawal.
I thought Wolf Blitzer might pin down the Democrats on their formless support for "action" in Darfur compared to the potential for genocide in Iraq:

MR. BLITZER: But what about genocide? What about the possibility of genocide [in Iraq]?

GOV. RICHARDSON: I think there has to be pointed out a difference in our approach. Obviously genocide is something -- in Darfur -- you know I have been involved in that issue. I believe what we need to do there is stop this genocide. What don't we care about -

MR. BLITZER: But what about Iraq, if it were, God forbid, to happen?

GOV. RICHARDSON: Well, obviously I would keep troops in Kuwait, where they are wanted. I would move them to Afghanistan to fight al Qaeda. But I believe that our troops have become a target. Our troops right now have done a magnificent job. And so what -- the difference between all of us here is this: all of these resolutions, the funding supplemental, appropriation on funding on issues relating to timetables is not working because the president is vetoing.
Bill Richardson: against genocide, but get the troops out, and it's the President's fault anyway.

Extra - Mark Steyn on hand-wringing over Darfur: "There is a grotesque narcissism in the determination of the Save Darfur campaign to embrace every strategy except the one that would actually save Darfur while there's anyone still left to save." Like global warming and foot-stamping on Iraq, it's all designed to soothe the ego without actually taking action to solve the problem. No wonder Americans are disgusted with all of Washington.

More - Let's take away the Olympics! That'll stop genocide in Darfur. And more U.N. peacekeepers, the "fries with that" for every Democratic proposal.


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Worrisome that all but one of the Democrats oppose legislation to declare English the official language of the United States.

    Um... yeah. I don't know how I'll be able to get to sleep tonight, after that worrisome news.

  2. Well, gringo, I'm absolutely sure you're not losing any sleep over genocide in Darfur or al-
    Qaeda killing civilians (in gross violation of the Holy Geneva Conventions so beloved on the Left) any more than you did over the hundreds of thousands killed by Saddam.

    Probably the only worrisome news for you is that Bush is still President until January 2009.

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Oh yeah? Well, Dave's feet stink!

  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    America hates Washington
    From ABC News: "Democrats Lose Their Edge - Poll Shows Congressional Approval Ratings Have Returned to Pre-Election Levels"

    Hooray! Hooray!

    Er, hooray? Translation: Americans are pissed off that the Republicans aren't being crushed fast enough. Compromise, or inaction against Republican policy, is unacceptable.

    And this poll is good news for the right how?
