Thursday, May 10, 2007

Zimbabwe + the U.N. = irony overload

From the UK Telegraph: "Zimbabwe set for U.N. environment post"

African countries sparked outrage yesterday after they nominated President Robert Mugabe's regime for the leadership of a United Nations body charged with protecting the environment and promoting development.

Zimbabwe, which is enduring economic collapse and environmental degradation, could become chairman of the UN's Commission on Sustainable Development when a formal vote of its 53 members takes place today.
Well, if you hate modern technology, you'll love the Zimbabwe model:

Zimbabwe's economy is collapsing, with inflation of 2,200 per cent - the highest in the world. Households can expect just four hours of electricity a day. This has encouraged deforestation, with large areas being stripped of wood for light and heating. Mr Nhema, 48, benefited from Mr Mugabe's wholesale seizure of white-owned land. The minister, who was educated at Strathclyde University, was handed Nyamanda farm near Karoi, a once thriving enterprise producing tobacco and maize. Most of its 2,500 acres are now lying idle.
That makes it easier to sustain.


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Don't forget this leftist-Marxist pleasing factoid: Life expectancy in Zim has dropped by nearly half since the Mugabe regime took over from the Ian Smith government of Rhodesia. A child of any colour born under the Rhodesian flag could expect to live 70 years. A child born under Mugabe's ZANU-PF regime can expect to live just 36.

    This is an environmentalists dream come true! Fewer years of life means a smaller carbon footprint!

    Progress through accelerated death. Another leftist success story!

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    With 2,200% inflation, every level of society rapidly reached economic paridy. What could be more fair?

    I'm not sure what we would do without the UN.

  3. There is no way the UN would allow this to happen. That would be like putting Saddam's Iraq ont he disarmarment committee or Libya and Cuba on the Human Rights Committee. Oh wait....
