Monday, May 14, 2007

You can't spell "Big Dig debacle" without "AIG" - From Fox News: "The workers' compensation insurance carrier for the Big Dig construction project has agreed to pay $58.5 million for excess profits it failed to return to the state, the state attorney general said Monday. American International Group Inc.'s settlement includes $26 million in losses to the state, with the rest in interest. The money will be returned to the Big Dig, which at nearly $15 billion is the most expensive construction project in U.S. history." And counting!


  1. Another fine example of our government in action. This is a prime reason we should turn *all* our health care system over to the feds. Everything they touch works perfectly.

  2. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Actually, these guys were state gov hacks, but the principle characteristic of incompetence is the same nonetheless.
