Monday, May 21, 2007

Tehran trembles at Grandma

From the WashPost - "American Scholar Is Charged in Iran - Tehran Accuses Her Of Seeking to Topple Ruling Establishment":

In a separate statement, Iran's intelligence ministry alleged that the 67-year-old grandmother, director of the Middle East program at the Smithsonian's Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, was involved in activities trying to foment a soft revolution.
Presumably with comfy throw pillows and home-baked chocolate chip cookies.


  1. I'd bet all my loot that this woman hates George Bush and thoinks he's the real tyrant, and will continue to think that about Bush even after she is released.

  2. Anonymous1:53 AM

    That's no bet at all. 90% of the world hates George Bush. That's like betting all your loot that she knows how to swim.

    You have to give us odds.

  3. Anonymous8:57 AM

    If wishing to topple Iran's establishment is a crime, then count me guilty, too.

  4. If the world hates Bush, that means he is doing something right. Because if the world loved him, that would mean his is bending over for them.

  5. 90% of the world loves Jimmy Carter. That should prove something.

  6. Anonymous5:58 PM

    90% of the world loves Jimmy Carter. That should prove something.

    That Carter is a fairly honorable person who tried to promote peace, while Bush is a venal disgrace who sold out even his own supporters?

    That Jimmy Carter will be semi-remembered as a failed caretaker of no historic note, while the name "George W. Bush" will be synonymous with corrupt ineptitude for at least the rest of our lifetimes?

    That Carter comprehends and appreciates the consequences of military policy, and so wanted to serve his country that he took accelerated study in order to enlist in the Navy, while...

    Come on, help me out here!

  7. Don't forget about the economy!

    Carter wore sweaters, too.

  8. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Haven't you gotten the GOP memo? Everything that might be wrong with the economy is all Bill Clinton's fault. Bush merely inherited his dot-com bubble, the same way you inherited your DNA from mom and dad.

    Which, logically, means that Carter must have unfairly taken the heat for the WIN-flation of his predecessor. Gerald Ford, History's Worst Monster!

  9. The economy sucks huh? Maybe in Canada or Mexico, but certanly not here.

    Saying the economy is shit doesn't make it so.

  10. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Wish it into the cornfield, Brian, baby! Wish it all into the cornfield! Only 20 months left to go! Ride it out! Why should you be forced to acknowledge being on the wrong side of history, or morality, or anything? Just 20 months! Can you make it? The cornfield says YES!

    Saying the economy is shit doesn't make it so.

    Why can't conservative bloggers ever express a thought without using profanity? Tsk! Tsk!
