Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Send in the clowns - Let's see, the Democrats haven't passed a single one of their legislative goals, they're backtracking on Iraq funding, and they can't advance their promised ethics reforms especially with John Murtha shenanigans. The base must be thrilled.


  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Remember long, long ago, how everything the razor-thin GOP majority wanted to do was being blocked by devious Democratic obstructionists™ hijacking Congress with their partisan litmus tests and secular filibusters?

    Well, now the tables are turned, and... well, what do you know? The Democrats STILL suck! Heads they lose, tails they lose!

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Let's see, the Democrats are kicking the GOP's rump in campaign fundraising; they've hobbled the White House; they're aggressively and systematically investigating the malfeasance of the past six years (overlooked during the protracted Gonzales death spiral is that six administration officials have ALREADY resigned, with MANY more to come); virtually every tendentious issue is either going the Democrats' way or is weighing down the Republicans, if not both (Iraq, immigration, the environment, stem cells, gas, the economy); the open 2008 Senate seats are heavily tilted against the GOP, 21 to 11; and who was the last unpopular, unsuccessful President to be succeeded in office by someone from his own party? Ulysses Grant?

    I think the base will be able to overcome their grief if they try really really hard.

    Fun, fun, fun:

  3. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Saw this online, seems about right:

    The more intransigent Republicans remain on Iraq, 1) the more likely they are to hold on and win this round in Congress, but 2) the more likely they are to see their careers cut short.

  4. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Oh, I have confidence in the Dems. They're just as stupid, venal, and inept as the Repubs. The main difference is that the MSM is in their corner. Doesn't matter. At this rate they'll be out of power in 2008 and forming a circular firing squad as they try to assort blame.

  5. Anonymous12:07 AM

    We'll have to assume you haven't noticed the way the "MSM" is butt-smooching their secret love partners, the Democrats, with favorable biased reporting this week. Or in 2004. Or in 2002. Or in...

  6. When Congress and the President are at loggerheads, the President usually wins. It happened with Clinton and the Republicans, Bush and Reagan with the Dems, and so on.

    That's just the way it is and will always be.
