Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Oliver Stone, call your office!

Just in time for President Bush's highly visible veto of Congress's Iraq bill comes this good news:

The leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq has reportedly been killed in a firefight today.

Abu Ayyub al-Masri died in an "internal battle" between militants near a bridge in northern Baghdad, the Iraqi interior ministry said.

If true, the death would represent a huge blow for the Islamic fundamentalist organisation. The United States had regarded al-Masri as the number one threat to the stability of Iraq, and placed a $5 million bounty on his head.
What a coincidence! Rev up those conspiracy machines, kidz.

Extra - From the GMTA dept.: "If al-Masri is dead, how long can it take for Rove-planned-it for a veto-backdrop story theories?"


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    A top Al Qaeda figure in Iraq has been killed. Things should start getting better. Allah knows things quieted down after that other evil mastermind, Zarqawi, was killed a year ago.

    This is not a war. It is a meat grinder into which we pour some of finest young men and women of America. There is no single enemy from whom we can secure terms. Therefore it has no end from a military standpoint. The end of this meat grinder will be ethnicly defined (semi-?)autonomous regions that will police themselves and protect their own. Naysayers bring up the resistance of Iraq's neighbors to such a solution, but those are nations and they can be managed through skilled diplomacy.

    The way to hold together the abstraction that is the nation of Iraq has been, and is, with an iron fist; but that runs contrary to the non-military goals of 'winning hearts and minds' and spreading democracy.

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Derek! Great to hear from you! Blown up any drummers lately? Ennyhoo, glad to hear that you're so sanguine about the reported death of al-Masri! And that you've listened to and believed the President years ago when he said that this war wouldn't be won with a capitulation ceremony that included the enemy leaders! And that you yourself have the authority to break Iraq up into separate states after the Iraqis themselves voted to keep it unified! Please drop in again when you feel the need to share!


  3. Bush had him killed to deflect attention away from the George Tenet book, the recent low unemployment numbers, which everyone knows means that inflation is coming, and from the emergence of Christopher Dodd as a presidential candidate.

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Always hilarious to see the 5,000th zany "conspiracy spoof" autobot response. Especially coming from the side that fervently believes the media is a united force for liberalism, that Dan Rather suppressed the Florida panhandle vote, that scientists are pushing global warming to make money, that the good news in Iraq is deliberately being kept under wraps, that gays are trying to undermine the institution of marriage, that Saddam and Osama were buddy-buddies, that there's massive voting fraud against the GOP going unpunished...

  5. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Don't forget the lie of evolution. Satan put those fossils there to trick us!

  6. Anonymous9:35 PM

    No conspiracies required. This is The Light At The End Of The Tunnel, Vol. 238.

    "Bad Dude Gets Killed" is always good, but if past deaths of critical importance are any indication, the success story ends there.

    Or haven't you figured out yet that this many "turning points" means we're going in a circle?

  7. There just aren't enough Iraqis being killed anymore. I say "Bring backDassam!!" Now there was a guy who knew how to kill Iraqis. Maybe he could get the place back on that 50,000 dead Iraqi babies per year pace that Madeleine Halfbright cared so much about.
