Monday, May 07, 2007

Not dead enough

Joseph Farah on World Net Daily: "Where's Bin Laden?"

According to my calendar, just four months from now we will be marking the sixth anniversary of the biggest terrorist attack in history and the worst attack of any kind on American soil.

The mastermind of and inspiration for that attack is Osama bin Laden.

Yet, he still has not been captured or killed.

If there is one man in this world I do not want to see die of natural causes, it is bin Laden. And I think most Americans would agree with that.
Our "ally" Pakistan has been useless in the search for Bin Laden, but we dare not upset the only Muslim nation with a nuclear bomb.


  1. Anonymous2:06 AM

    That's been our problem since the week after 9-11. We chose to work with Pakistan when they were part of the problem. They backed the Taliban. As a consequence, on 9-12 our Air Force and Navy should have begun to destroy Pakistan's shipping, Navy, Air Force, nuclear facilities, ISI HQ and their economic infrastructure. We should have taken a base or two for use against the Afghans and left the rest of Pakistan such a mess that it would be easy pickings for India.

  2. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Absolutely. And when Russia objected, we should have nuked them. Then we should have given Europe a stark choice: fall in line, or you're next. Also, we should have carpet-bombed Argentina, just for laughs.

    The respective stories of Tora Bora and Baghdad pretty well say it all in regards to the White House's true intentions, competence, and planning.

  3. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Russia would have done nothing. Putin and his corrupt KGB buddies aren't and weren't going to risk their profits to defend Pakistan. They'd snipe at the UN and they'd sell the Pakistanis weapons, but they're not going to do anything that endangers themselves. If you recall, on 9-11, the Russians immediately cancelled all military operations out of fear that they might actually have to face us on the battlefield.

    But, no matter, you're a moonbat who lives in a world where Saddam is a good guy and Bush is the devil. I'd tell you to start learning Arabic, but the Islamofascists wouldn't even bother to let you convert before cutting off your head. Useful idiots are rewarded with death.

  4. Anonymous11:28 AM

    The sad thing is, this loon would have won the first GOP debate last week. I think he's very strong and resolute.

  5. Anonymous3:26 AM

    This is great info to know.
