Saturday, May 12, 2007

Dix kid nixes za biz

From CNN: "Fort Dix arrest slices father's business"

The father of one of the six men charged with plotting to massacre soldiers at Fort Dix says the business that he's nurtured near the base for years is all but ruined since his son's arrest.

Muslim Tatar, who has owned Super Mario's Pizza for five years, said his lunchtime crowd from nearby McGuire Air Force Base and Fort Dix has largely disappeared, replaced by empty tables and nasty words from passing motorists.

"Now I am a target," Tatar, 52, said, adding that his business is "99 percent dead."
Cry me a river, Muslim.


  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    If his son had succeeded, it would be a smoking pit in the ground by now. He should count his blessings there are still a few stupid people who patronize him. I would bet they aren't Muslin either because Pizza is not Halal.

  2. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Cry me a river, Muslim.

    Shame on you.

  3. Um, that's his name.

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Addressed to the limp-wristed, effete PC pantywaist who made comment #2:

    Obviously, you'd have preferred that those members of the local ROP franchise had succeeded in killing soldiers at Fort Dix.

    Shame on YOU for siding with the Enemy.
