Saturday, May 05, 2007

But what about all the subpoenas? That's something, the subpoenas

From the WashPost: "Democrats' momentum is stalling"

In the heady opening weeks of the 110th Congress, the Democrats' domestic agenda appeared to be flying through the Capitol: Homeland security upgrades, a higher minimum wage and student loan interest rate cuts all passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.

But now that initial progress has foundered as Washington policymakers have been consumed with the debate over the Iraq war. Not a single priority on the Democrats' agenda has been enacted, and some in the party are growing nervous that the "do nothing" tag they slapped on Republicans last year could come back to haunt them.
Nevertheless, thank heaven they caught Alberto Gonzales mis-stating why he fired eight district attorneys. Remember back when the Attorney General wouldn't survive the week? Good times...good times.

Extra - From Rightwing Nuthouse: "Dems to voters: 'We were only kidding'"


  1. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Ha, ha! "SAVE us, generic Washington Post space filler! Save us!"

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    But wait!;_ylt=AsvOCEGfrGjeZGWXCfuuTmLMWM0F

    Apparently, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have much hope for 2008. Only Connecticut for Lieberman can save America now.
