Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Allegiances in question - Jeff Jacoby in the Boston Globe on that Pew survey on American Muslims: "In the Pew survey, only 8 percent of American Muslims said terrorism in the name of Islam is often or sometimes justifiable. But 8 percent of 2.3 million Muslims is 184,000 people who support suicide bombings and beheadings in at least some instances. That is not a trivial threat. And it cannot be effectively suppressed unless the moderate Muslim mainstream actively repudiates and anathematizes Islamist ideas."


  1. Anonymous11:34 PM

    I wonder what percentage of Americans have no quarrels with the un-Constitutional overstepping by Bush & Co., and would have no problem seeing even more of it? If it was as low as 8%, I'd be shocked.

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM

    At least the Muslims aren't outing Valerie Plame or firing US attorneys.

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    "At least the Muslims aren't outing Valerie Plame or firing US attorneys."

    Once again for the idiots; not covert, not outed. Drove herself to Langley every morning in her own car. US attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President. Can be fired for any reason at any time.

    I sure hope that 8% of Muslims lives in Manhattan, Madison, Austin and San Francisco!

  4. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Hey, Archie, good buddy, could you read this to us idiots? We're so dumb, it couldn't POSSIBLY say what we think it says...

    After that, maybe you could head down to Langley and teach the CIA what "covert" means. They seem to be idiots, too.

  5. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Well, yes - the CIA do seem to be idiots. I mean, they were responsible for getting the collapse of the Soviet Union wrong, is perhaps the biggest example. And another biggie? Wait for it - weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Or can we trust them on Plame, and on WMD too?

    Arguing the legitimacy of CIA statements by relying on their "competence" would seem to be a strange position for an administration critic to take.

    But I've ceased being surprised by the reactionary left's ability to rationalize their illogical, non-fact-based "conclusions" based on their political needs.

  6. Anonymous11:45 PM

    So, because the CIA has screwed up periodically, it follows that they're now functionally incapable of DISTINGUISHING THE STATUS OF THEIR OWN EMPLOYEES? Is that the new defense for the Libby mop-up?

    Accept reality, dude. This isn't putting a mole into Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard. This is somebody's timesheet.

    The rest of Anonymous's post is the usual "lefty illogic rationalization" tango that blogfolk often start shouting when facts go against them.
