Thursday, April 05, 2007

Unbelievable pettiness

I'm simply agog over this latest story: the Democrats want an expedited investigation by the General Accounting Office over the newly appointed ambassador to Belgium.

Democrats opposed to President Bush's nomination of Sam Fox as the new U.S. ambassador to Belgium posed a new challenge Thursday, charging that the fact Fox will serve without pay makes him a 'volunteer,' and that the government cannot accept his unpaid services.

Democrats are vehemently against the appointment and are investigating a new twist in the former Swiftboat Veterans for Truth contributor's appointment.

It is possible Fox might now be, as a "volunteer", in violation of another U.S. law, Democrats charge, in his new position as an ambassador.
Remember when the Democrats stormed Congress with their "100 Hours" of populist legislation? (Still waiting on that minimum wage bill, BTW). Since then it's been subpoenas, investigations, and this kind of smallness from the gang that takes its orders, ironically, from MoveOn.

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